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Four of the most Widespread Bail Bonds Questions Answered
Walking down the street in a normal town, one won't find very many people with any knowledge whatsoever of the bail bonds market. As a Bail Bonds firm, we've been in this company for over 40 years and know the market inside and out. So we thought we would put together a brief list of four widespread bail bonds questions and answer them for you. All answers are with regards to the laws of California.
Question 1: What exactly is the expense of a bail bond?
Answer: 10% or Zero
Explanation: All bail bonds businesses are regulated by the California Department of Insurance. It's they who mandate that every bail agency charge 10% of the total bail. You can find businesses available that each advertise and charge much less and in each instances, they're operating illegally. The one and only time that a firm can charge much less is if they make use of the Prop 103 loophole and charge 8% of the total bail.So inside the end, you will be charged 10% of the total bail, for example; say bail is set at $20,000, you'd pay a bail bonds business $2000 to put up a $20,000 bail bond.
Question 2: What's the distinction among the five kinds of bail bonds?
Question 3: How does one determine the cost of bail?
Answer:by the bail schedule for that county or state. Each county and state has their own bail schedule. A bail schedule is a lot of written material explaining all the techniques one can break the law. You will find two varieties; Felony and Misdemeanor and each and every charge is assigned a code, known as the Penal Code. For instance: PC 243 (3) Domestic Battery Without Traumatic Injury 20,000. This is essentially an altercation between a couple where the police where named. There were no marks or other traumatic varieties of injuries. So if you're arrested for this, you bail is set at $20,000. Now, if one of the couples injures the other, the result is PC 273.5 Domestic Battery With Traumatic Injury 30,000 and your bail is set at $30,000.
Question 4: What exactly is an indemnitor or signer?
Answer: The indemnitor will be the individual who's taking responsibility for the individual who's finding bailed out. This person is known as if the defendant misses any court dates, misses payments, or any of their other responsibilities. Most of the time this person is either the parent, buddy, or spouse. In rare situations, the bail bonds company will not demand an indemnitor and will allow the defendant to sign for their self.
Our Palmdale Bail Bonds organization has been writing bail bonds for over 40 years. Of those 40 years we really feel that these are one of the most well-liked questions that come up and we hope that we have shed a lot more light on the industry and how things function.